You may not fully appreciate the complexity of the woman, until you get married

You may not fully appreciate the complexity of the woman, until you get married

Photo: Kiss FM breakfast show host Kamene Goro, she was dumped by her husband via an SMS…

3am Thought by Gordon Opiyoa via FB

“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife”
This portion of the Scriptures used to make me ask why?
Why are men told to dwell with understanding and women are not?

You may not fully appreciate the complexity of the woman, until you get married.
Women truly go through several different complex issues. Dealing with hormonal changes during the monthly circle, carrying pregnancy, dealing with post pregnancy issues, dealing with children handling family matters, dealing with suspicious in laws, dealing with many other things……..
I just read something about post partum depression and baby blues…… And just said a prayer to many women I know at a personal level……..

That is why husbands are fully commanded to dwell with them with understanding.
Lack of understanding has made men destroy marriages.
In the old days, there were several fora for old men to teach young men how to handle women.
The tradition was that after working or hunting, food would be brought and old men ate together with young men teaching them skills of life.
Likewise, women did the same.
Young men were taught about reality of mood swings. One day, your wife would welcome you as a king, the next day she looks totally disinterested.

Hormonal changes are responsible. But without understanding, the young men of today expect women to behave like they see in movies.
Young men were also taught never to ever ever ever insult a woman based on her looks and physical features. Rather, they were taught to constantly praise them.
This is due to the fact that women take such insults very seriously. Unlike men who do not care how you describe them, women never forget such things.
I could go on and on…..

But my reflection today is to men.. Treat your women with understanding. Understanding means taking time to know more about women and how they behave and why they behave like they do.
Today, take time and do some research about women…..
You will fully appreciate them and treat them with tender loving care……
It is a Command to understand women…. And I have searched the scripture, I see no place where women are told to understand men……

You may not fully appreciate the complexity of the woman, until you get married



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