Why university degree must be a core requirement for MCAs, MPs, Senators, Governors and President

Why university degree must be a core requirement for MCAs, MPs, Senators, Governors and President

By Alex Wakoli Bifwoli

A degree should be a requirement for all the elected members starting from the MCA to Governors for the following reasons.
1. If you want to prove me wrong then compare how Nairobi and Kiambu county were governed during Sonko’s and Waititus regime with the current governance.

2. Compare the three houses how they operate. That’s the National assembly, Senate and the County Assemblies. The County assemblies seemingly with majority of uneducated members are always fighting. They don’t use their brains in decision making. What they know best is to threaten the governors whenever they fail to meet their selfish demands. Let them give us a practical example of one member of Parliament without proper education but with quality leadership skills. This is the reason why management competency is a requirement for all the CEOs. Don’t start telling us about Bob. He was not Kenyan and you never know the kind of college he went to in order to acquire his diploma based on the fact that a KNEC diploma is as good as a degree from UoN. Moreover, Bob was not a politician. Stop giving us Bob as an example.

3. A parent cannot spent his investments in terms of money and time on his/her children upto masters level only to be employed as a banker with a basic salary of 50k whereas someone who has never seen the door of a school earns more than Kshs. 300,000 in the name of an MCA.

4. The degree requirements should serve as a motivator for our children to work hard in school. You should be informed that leadership skills are directly proportional to education whereas goon ship is directly proportional to academic dwarfness.

5. Degree requirement was meant to ensure fairness because these uneducated members always employee traditional goon ship tactics during the nomination and election process hence blocking the educated with quality leadership skills from going for these positions on fair grounds.

The educated value order and professionalism whereas the uneducated value goon ship and force. The uneducated seemingly lack patience this is the major reason as to why there is a big difference between a Prado driver, Matatu driver and a boda boda rider on the road. But nowadays because we have allowed the uneducated to use short cuts to see them buy Prados. Of late we are now witnessing the leaners signs on Prodas and V8 the very people end up behaving like the boda boda riders in their V8s on our roads.

NB Kindly let’s join hands and bring back sanity to our three houses(National Assembly, Senate and County Assemblies) by defending our Constitution which clearly state that all the government officials starting from the MCA to the president should have a degree????????

Why university degree must be a core requirement for MCAs, MPs, Senators, Governors and President



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