Why Uhuru decided to launch projects at night

Why Uhuru decided to launch projects at night

By Jerome ogolla via FB

So now, my president is operating nocturnally, like an owl

When others go to bed, Baba Ngina leaves home for work, which involves launching pavements, in the city, alongside that Adolf Hitler doppelganger, going by the name Mohammed Badi.

For this, I cannot question the state of the head of the head of state, not because it is treasonous, but because, I know he is a wise man and his decisions are based on rationale

It is easy to chide him, that his decision to operate in darkness, like a bat is based on the need to behave entirely, like that flying mammal, and since our economy is hanging upside down like a bat, maybe our commander in chief has opted for night operations, to create a complete synchrony, with this animal who brought us Ebola

In defending our president, I’d say he has chosen to be cautious. When VP, the late Prof Saitoti was poisoned, Moi advised him to stop “kula ovyo ovyo”. It is possible that someone has advised Baba Ngina, to stop roaming ovyo ovyo

You know, in this country there exits mujahideens of Tangatanga who may want not necessarily to harm our president but to heckle him and/or embarrass him, for political bonga points. These guys are very bitter. To beat them, you operate in the middle of the night, like a night runner from Seme, when they are busy dreaming of being chased by the pangaman

Good old Jomo was also a very superstitious person, despite being lukewarm to religion. Maybe, just like the genes of corruption, he passed those of paranoia to the son. He used not to wear closed shoes and instead walked around in “nginyira” a kind of open sandals, made from old tyres and invented by Cambodians

A Cambodian is a Mkamba. By the way, as I’ve noted here before, the very first native Kenyan to be licenced to do business by the mokoloni government, was a mkamba, who had been given a tender to supply askari kanga, with these tyre shoes. Askari Kanga are the modern day AP (akili punguani)

Good old Jomo also never believed in aeroplanes. In his entire 15 years tenure as Kenya’s president, he only made two trips abroad, for fear that a plane can come down with him. Maybe young Kenyatta has also been advised by his Fundi Mangungu to only work in darkness

Again, Uhuru may have chosen to borrow a leaf from his predecessor. Kibaki was sworn in at midnight by a CJ in pyjamas indicating they had just ambushed from sleep (or even horizontal engineering), that was after Samuel Kivuitu, the chairman of the now defunct IEBC told us that he didn’t know who had won the elections his commission had just presided over

Whichever way, as long as the work is done the time it is fone is irrelevant!

Great evening my fellow Hoof-Eaters!!

Why Uhuru decided to launch projects at night



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