Why Kenyans need rotational presidency, tired of poverty and hate


Why Kenyans need rotational presidency, tired of poverty and hate

By Oginga Jared Nyaruath via fb

Moi was vice president for 11 years, president for 24 years, Ruto deputy president for 10 years. Kalenjin presidency equals 45 years. Out of the 57 years of independence.
Kenyatta was president for 14 years, Kibaki was president for 10 years, Uhuru is president for 10 years, Kibaki was vice president for 11 years, josephat karanja was vice president for 2 years. Total kikuyu presidency 47years.
This has made some regions of Kenya more developed than others. When Kenyatta was president, all development went to kiambu county.
Alliance boys kiambu
Alliance girls, kiambu
Mangu high, kiambu
Loreto limuru kiambu
Maryhill girls, kiambu
St. Francis Mangu, girls, kiambu
Lenana high, kiambu.
Industrial park, thika, kiambu.
Moi took over.
Moi University, Eldoret
Moi referral hospital, Eldoret
Moi barracks, Eldoret
Moi girls high, Eldoret
Moi airport, Eldoret
Eldoret polytechnic, Eldoret
Central bank, Eldoret
There came a word called marginalization. It means, deliberate denial of opportunities to some people, making them poorer than others.
50 years of independence saw no single university in western, Nyanza, coast, northern eastern and eastern provinces. Only three, Nairobi, Rift valley, and Central had universities.
In national schools, west of Nakuru had only two. Western none, coast none, etc.
Look at the distribution of TTCs in Kenya. Every Kalenjin county has one. Trans Nzoia, Bungoma, Busia, none.
The Kikuyu Kalenjin dominance has given them a sense of entitlement, thinking they are the only two Levine tribes to rule over other Kenyans for ever. That presidency, and deputy presidency should be rotational between the two. All other communities do not matter.
It has also given them a sense of importance, that wengine wameze mate coz all our taxes must develop them first.
It’s time we rise to fight for equal rights of all Kenyans, not cosmetically, but in reality where a child born in Rusinga island, or in Trukana has equal opportunities with a child born in kiambu or Eldoret

Why Kenyans need rotational presidency, tired of poverty and hate



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