Why I am not opposed nor supporting the BBI process


Photo: Deputy President William Ruto who poked holes on BBI report, he has not confirmed if he will support or oppose the eventual referendum.

Why I am not Opposed nor Supporting the BBI Process
So your children are badly behaved because you their Father is badly behaved, even unleashing violence to silence your wife ( the judiciary) from questioning your bad behaviour that has bankrupted the home. Instead of invoking the Biblical wisdom of “Spare the rod and spoil the child” and instead of submitting to wise counsel from the elders (Civil Society, media, Academia etc) in order to end impunity and corruption (bad behaviour of the children), which is the solution, you marry two more wives to cook more food for these children in order for them to behave better ( Gender Commission, Senate, 47 EACC, IEBC). It does not work. So then you increase the workers by six, by bringing in a gardener, two more cleaners, two cooks so that the two new wives do not work and focus on talking to the children more. It does not work. Then you decide that you need to create new offices for your wives, so the wives and the children stop complaining about your selling of family land and livestock, trees etc:- one to become Vice President, the other PM and the firs born of each wife to be in the cabinet. That is what has been going on Since 2010.

The Father (the executive) and the children behaving badly and we are creating more offices, more commissions, More MPs, more Senators, more commissions, distorting the functioning of independent offices and departments like the judiciary, starving them of operational budgets to make them shut up; That is BBI for you. The Only problem that is not being addressed is IMPUNITY. You bring baby Pendo’s parents to say that no Kenyan should be hurt ever again because of elections- so create new offices at the top; how does that deal with the impunity by the police force which went to her house and killed baby Pendo their daughter? The one who unleashed the killers is enjoying power not because he won elections but because he targeted a region for collective punishment. That is impunity. But blame the victims and give the killers more immunity for their impunity.

More commissions, Councils, offices, more youth nonsensical programs, more MPs, MCAs, more talk-shops at bigger salaries and imported cars, allowances in order to address national poverty and impunity; How will they address it? You are told.. READ the REPORT for yourself; We have run out of money because more officers are a bigger burden and not productivity… productivity is when you reduce the burden, lower taxation , reduce the debt burden and spur growth and productivity and jobs. When we end the stealing in trillions is when we heal.. we need to jail them not give them more positions.

The BBI report proposes more people and commissions including the youth commissions and tax holiday as a bait. But It is only Uhuru, Christina, Muigai Kenyatta, Raila’s, Ruto’s, Matiangi’s, the MPs and Senators children, the Governors’ children (like those Obado children) who will stop paying taxes where as my sisters in the public service earning 48k will continue to pay taxes. This country is filled with cows as Junet Mohamed called us- Raila cows, Uhuru cows, Ruto cows, Kalonzo cows. We are just cows following around. And at the end the day, the only thing you can do is milk your cows before they are fit for slaughter. So the milking goes on. Without more pasture for the cows; Because the cows cannot realize that more employees and taxes, borrowing does not solve the problem but compound it. BBI is not medicine, its fermented porridge. It’s not poison but it is not medicine.

What Kenya needs is not this circus, Kenya needs a Building VALUES INITIATIVE (BVI) as Rev Dr Reuben Kigame urged last year. We do not need Bridges, we are not disunited. It is the guys in power who rig elections and then unleash killer officers to kill our people for belonging to the wrong ethnic community. We need a VALUES revolution to end impunity and enforce ACCOUNTABILITY.

By Cyprian Nyamwamu via FB

Why I am not opposed nor supporting the BBI process



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