“We have been betrayed yet again, used and dumped”- MP Otiende Amollo speaks

“We have been betrayed yet again, used and dumped”- MP Otiende Amollo speaks


The rejection of the best of those interviewed for the CJ job William Ouko by the Deep State now places the Executive, Judiciary and Legislature in the hands of Mt Kenya people.

And that of the Chief of General Staff, the head of NIS and the Attoney General from the same Region plus shortchanging the entire Nyanza Region in the BBI proposals shows that the writings are on the wall. The signs are clear that Raila AMOLLO Odinga and the Luo Nation have been betrayed again for the fourth time since Independence.

And when our law experts who handled the Presidential petition Court are warning the Kavirondo, our hopeless competitors are Siding with the traitors simply to get political mileage at home or on the ground.

It is egually interesting and intriguing that the decision on the important matters linked to the Luo Community is now being made by a Somali from Migori(Junet Mohamed) and a Mt Kenya man(Paul Mwangi) who sided with their people to give 7.5 million Nyanza People (Luo, Kisii, Kuria) 3 Constituencies while awarding his Region 32 Constituencies.

Why should we drink wine laced with poison when we already know the content?

The people of Kavirondo Gulf, don’t complain in the next one year that your lawyers, journalists and bloggers didn’t warn you!”

CC: All media Houses


This will not be easy as dynasty believe

“We have been betrayed yet again, used and dumped”- MP Otiende Amollo speaks



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