Rongo MP Paul Abuor exposed for awarding himself tenders through proxies

Rongo MP Paul Abuor exposed for awarding himself tenders through proxies

By David Osiany via fb

My brother Paul Abuor I appreciate that you have finally found your level: a simplistic blogger. From parliament’s Hansard, it is obvious that legislative roles have proven too sophisticated but that was only expected. It is what happens when you organise and steal a car, yet you cannot drive: it stays parked, or if you try moving it, you drive it right through a cliff. However as your leader, I also have a responsibility to help you in this new found blogging career, or else you will flop like you have with your stolen stint so far. Here’s my advice: get your facts right and people will even ignore your terrible grammar.

That said, I will not dignify your propaganda with a response. The able Chairman of St. Jonathan Sec. School K’ogollah Hezbon has already given a comprehensive response on the same. I have to remind you though, that we have no apologies to make for denying your proxi companies a chance to build our laboratory and contrarily considering our able village sons. Look at the picture below of Koderobara School where you forced your way and ensured your proxi company won the contract to build the hall? The end was disastrous as it was brought down by light rains. Thank heavens the students were not inside. Interestingly, I understand CDF has hurriedly committed other millions to rebuild the hall, because it gives a chance for a second loot. So I feel your frustration when your greed is tamed, and I understand why you had to join your bloggers in the pig-sty.

Listen, however much you frustrate the growth of our modest school, WE WILL BUILD IT. It will be finished in due course. We started without your support, we are happy to continue slowly but steadily without it.

Onto more important matters; these diversionary tactics are obviously as a result of ongoing investigations against you for mismanagement of Rongo CDF funds. The kitchen is definitely getting hotter as investigative agencies close in on you, and playing victim and suddenly being a champion of supposed ‘good governance’ is an okey way to hide FOR NOW until it is time for the guillotine.

Fundamentally though, I will state thus:

1. Your insecurities about 2022 have turned you into a tragically greedy man. You are the ONLY contractor for all constituency works through obvious proxies. You registered companies through young, innocent, clueless people, with instructions to withdraw all moneys paid to their accounts and bring to you, then giving them a fraction. You rob these young people of their futures by teaching them that THEFT and CORRUPTION is the easy way. You do not care that these companies do not remit tax, are not compliant and that eventually these young innocent ones will be the Kaburas, jailed after giving all money to the boss. There’s sufficient evidence to patterns of withdrawals and how the moneys have found their way to you via mpesa and bank accounts. In other instances, I’m told they deposit the moneys with hardwares in Kisumu that are supplying you with construction materials for your ongoing block of apartments being built right within your house compound in Kisumu.

2. DCI are already closing in on you for employing your wife’s sister Rosemary Odhiambo as Deputy CDF Manager, as a conduit for paying your beloved wife a monthly stipend. Sadly, she earns more than her boss the CDF manager, whose salary you have informally split between 3 other persons, leaving him with a paltry 45K instead of 129k. All this when Rosemary is a ghost worker, has NEVER set foot at the office and is not a voter of Rongo to say the least. See your letter to parliament accounts office below.

3. You recently insulted the youth, declaring in your books of accounts that 2.5 Million had been used for a constituency soccer tournament, when the total cost for the whole event was 305k. You were too embarrassed to even attend the finals of a tournament that you had organised, because the youth were angrily baying for your blood having felt shortchanged and insulted. If that is good governance, then we don’t want it.

4. A couple of weeks ago, you embarrassed all your constituents with the launch of ‘ICT Hubs’, inviting revered guests to help launch a set of jokes. Three of the four buildings launched were completed by the former MP Hon. Dalmas Otieno. At the very least, I hoped you would properly equip the hubs as proper ICT centres for our young people. Your books allegedly read that you spent 8.33M shillings towards equipping them. 8.33M for 12 outdated desktop computers and one single room structure? That is worse than the famous wheelbarrows that cost Bungoma County 100k each. Shameless!

Well, the heap of filth in that office cannot be enumerated here. They would take a whole book. Hang on for dear life and blog for the few remaining years. It may assuage your troubled conscience. However, your days are numbered. I heard that you chest thump that you have made enough money to compromise investigative authorities like DCI, which we will ask, but I doubt you can buy off the good people of Rongo.

I will cease engaging you on this platform as I have an able team of your fellow bloggers to do that voluntarily and patriotically. Thank you. God bless Rongo.

Source: kenyagist.COM


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