Paralyzing strike by nurses and clinical officers enters fifth day

Paralyzing strike by nurses and clinical officers enters fifth day

It is agony and despair for hundreds of patients in several counties across the country as more public hospitals are short-term or hospitals that’s kapkatet and Nzawa health centre was shut down leaving tens of patients stranded.

This is a strike by nurses and clinical officers entered before with no end in sight and I still can’t get a report a few counties such as Meru seem to have taken the dire situation seriously and brokered a deal with healthcare workers to have services resume.

The Kapkatet level for sub-county hospital in Kericho is deserted after it was closed Wednesday they’re only a few traces to show that patients and their caregivers were here broken window panes define the casualty entrance.

A wheelchair sharply juxtaposed at the door lock with chains and the padlock is in near-perfect imagery for Kenya state of health care and Eileen hospitals one in which the secret underwear from the inside and healthcare workers stay away from the outside in Machakos county level 5 referral hospital.

what strike force fast is I notice that instruct patients to use the back door at the waiting day at the outpatient unit empty seats and then occupy adventures show that hardly any services being offered the farther we go we’ll find a more padlocks unlocked doors being the find more and take that many mothers with newborns have been discharged.

Paralyzing strike by nurses and clinical officers enters fifth day



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