On Pauline Njoroge, can’t she be forgiven? all she posted was out of ignorance and in defense of Jubilee regime

On Pauline Njoroge, can’t she be forgiven? all she posted was out of ignorance and in defense of Jubilee regime

By Silas Nyanchwani via Facebook

On Pauline Njoroge

Two things. One, her appointment and revocation because if something she said in Facebook is unfortunate. I have said some things that were totally out of ignorance. Or just in a jest. I didn’t mean much.

I recently came a blog I wrote in 2013 sure I said Ugandan music was terrible. I swear I don’t remember writing it, and I don’t remember any time Ugandan music caused so much pain as to write that. Because, it is on high rotation in my playlist and Mowzey Radio’s death startled me like he was my brother.

I remember arguing the same about the park, until an environmentalist sat me down and told me it is not always about brick and mortar and of course all the beautiful parks I saw in New York made me unlearn.
Those of us in the other political divide dislike Pauline for defending a regime that we think hasn’t delivered on its promise.
Secondly, nobody talks about the other people in the appointment list.

But my bigger beef is: of all those appointed, what expertise do they have on tourism matters that their appointment can help rescue the sector?

Steve Shaka Juma: We should not trust people of with this type of ignorance in positions that need leadership, strategy and guidance. I am certain, based on her post, she has little understanding of flora and fauna. It is even criminal that no back ground checks are made when making such appointments, I think even majority in the list are worse

Enock Onyango O:
There are people who have known, from birth, the importance of conserving our wildlife and tourist sites. If by 2016, or whatever date she said such things, Pauline had not known about the importance of conserving our wildlife, then I do not see why she can be considered qualified. Surely, there are people whose philosophy, ideology and intentions have been to preserve our flaura and fauna, why do we even consider someone who for sometime thought otherwise about that?

Edwin Wanyoike:
We need to interrogate all the appointments. Every single time we hear appointments to reward the loyal ones yet we don’t hear the sacking of the incompetent ones who form the majority. Government should be ran like a corporate entities with clear set out target not place for mediocrity.
Let the appointing authority offload the inept and corrupt civil servants. Give opportunities to all Kenyans not only children of who is who in the political arena.
Advertise these positions and let the best get a chance to serve this nation. We accused the former DCJ for her outburst “you should know people” yet this is the case in filling up the positions at counties and national level.
More so, a country can’t progress if we don’t accommodate divergence views and different perspective and act at the whim of social media pressure.
Which is worse a post on social media expressing ones opinion or public theft, corruption – what is euphemistically called “signature bonuses”?
The pilot of this country should be hands on regarding the take off otherwise we are about to sink into oblivion like the Malaysian plane.

On Pauline Njoroge, can’t she be forgiven? all she posted was out of ignorance and in defense of Jubilee regime



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