NASA’s greed led to loss of parliamentary seats in Western province

NASA’s greed led to loss of parliamentary seats in Western province

By Jerome Ogola via fb

It is inconsequential for a contender to withdraw from an election, after submitting their details to IEBC
Their names will still appear in the ballot and anyone who wishes will still vote for them, and even if a miracle happens and they win, much like a pace setter (rabbit) winning an election, they will be declared the winners
I am talking about KANU/ODM withdrawal from the London MCA contest in Nakuru County, to back the Jubilee candidate, in the spirit of the handshake
If indeed they wanted to support the Jubilee candidate, they ought to have dome so before submitting their details to IEBC. Some independent acrobats also withdrew from Matungu and threw their weight in the wheelbarrow
They will still be voted and they cannot have any legal grounds to advise IEBC to add their few votes to those of the candidate they had chosen to support. Had they genuinely wished to support that Lanya, they ought to have done do before clearing with IEBC
This lot can be likened to that fauna with a tail in front, stretching his fingers and toes to fire in live ammunition on target, only to withdraw to wear protection long after the bullets left the chamber, and still expect to avoid unwanted pregnancy
By the way, had NASA done what ANC and FORD KENYA are doing today, Jubilee wouldn’t have won even one seat in he former Western Province
Now deal with the pangaman. Great evening my fellow Hoof-Eaters!!

NASA’s greed led to loss of parliamentary seats in Western province



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