Museveni in serious trouble, over 30 years of dictatorship shrinks to the end

Museveni in serious trouble, over 30 years of dictatorship shrinks to the end

When a picture speaks a thousand words!
These are the huddled masses, the forgotten/ignored generation at the lowest end of economic rung keenly following Bobi Wine’s rally from Kitgum via a live stream (from a phone) on Ghetto TV.
They followed to the end; raw, unedited, and in its purest form. Together they saw arousing welcome, the cheers, and the numbers! In the end, they went home happy fully knowing that NUP is EVERYWHERE…

This also neutralizes –completely–the mass effect of state-orchestrated propaganda claiming that Bobi is violent; because Ugandans from all walks are watching everything LIVE!
They are seeing the criminals unleashing violence, unprovoked, on peaceful unarmed citizens.
Museveni and the dimwits around him really underestimated Bobi and NUP.
They went into this contest believing Bobi was a downgrade version of Besigye. Same Besigye, they had mastered how to blunt!
Assuming these are 40 people watching, it means live-stream views displayed on a video are thoroughly misreported.
Museveni this time, is in serious trouble!

Museveni in serious trouble, over 30 years of dictatorship shrinks to the end



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