Murathe ANALYSIS: President Raila, Uhuru will be PM, Kalonzo DP, Gideon Moi and Joho DPMs. Matiangi, Oparanya powerful CSs

Murathe ANALYSIS: President Raila, Uhuru will be PM, Kalonzo DP, Gideon Moi and Joho DPMs. Matiangi, Oparanya powerful CSs

Political strategist and long time aide of President Uhuru Kenyatta Hon David Murathe interview with KTN reporter where he was categorical that Raila Odinga will be president confirmed the game plan by Mt Kenya mafia, they are keen to hold onto powerful position or ruling by proxy beyond 2022.

“We think it’s time Kenyans rewarded the years of struggle of Raila Amollo Odinga. They owe it to him. It’s like Mandela, and 2022 will be a Mandela Moment. And we would also like to tell him (Raila) to be a transitional president who will then nurture the young generation to take over in 2027,” Hon Murathe told KTN.

Uhuru Kenyatta is constitutionally barred from contesting for presidency in 2022 but some of his core supporters led by COTU boss Francis Atwoli have indicated that the president is too young to retire and that a platform should be created to allow him to fully implement/conclude his Jubilee agenda. It is Francis Atwoli who started the Change Constitution movement that has since mutated to the Building Bridges Initiative that is currently collecting views and laying ground for a referendum that will see a change of governance structure in Kenya.

According to Murathe, Mt Kenya will team up with the rest of the country to vote for Raila Odinga to become president and that a Prime Minister will held by a person from Mt Kenya (Uhuru Kenyatta or Peter Kenneth). He also hinted that the two deputy prime ministers will come from Rift Valley and Coast regions (Gideon Moi and Ali Hassan Joho?).

“What I can confirm is that in 2022, we will have a poster. And in that poster there will be a portrait of the Handshake. Assuming we go by the formation unveiled at Bomas, we will probably have a prime minister coming from Mount Kenya. You may have a deputy prime minister coming from Coast and the other possibly from the Rift Valley,” he said.

Murathe further hinted that Kalonzo Musyoka will most likely be Raila’s running mate

“Untill he (Kalonzo) moves from the Nasa coalition, what we are doing is co-operating. Just like we are co-operating with ODM. I don’t know what the arrangement is on the Nasa side but if you ask me I would like him (Kalonzo) to also let Raila run,” he said.

Raila would then be a one-term transitional president who will clear the way for generation change in Kenya’s political order. Murathe was categorical that Raila will be a one term president who will then handover power to a younger Kenyan, it is widely speculated that the Kenyatta family is keen on having Gideon Moi rule Kenya after Raila’s interlude.

From Murathe’s comments we can comfortably speculate that:

1. There shall be a political union between Jubilee party and ODM (The Handshake coalition)

2. That Raila Odinga will be the presidential candidate and will be declared winner and president for one term 2022 to 2027

3. That Uhuru Kenyatta will be elected the HANDSHAKE Coalition leader and therefore will be the prime minister with powers of running the day to day affairs of the government and will also be leader of government business in parliament.

4. That Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka will be Raila’s running-mate

5. That senator Gideon Moi and Governor Ali Hassan Joho will be the deputy prime minister, deputizing Uhuru Kenyatta

6. Fred Matiangi and Wycliff Oparanya will be powerful cabinet secretaries.

Murathe ANALYSIS: President Raila, Uhuru will be PM, Kalonzo DP, Gideon Moi and Joho DPMs. Matiangi, Oparanya powerful CSs



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