Mudavadi, Wetangula chicken out, joins Raila Atwoli at Bukhungu Luyha rally


Aman Nationa Congress Hon Musalia Mudavadi and his Ford Kenya counterpart Hon Moses Wetangula have coiled their tiny tails and sunked balls and are now at Raila Odinga led BBI Luyha unity rally at Bukhungu stadium. The meeting brings together all Luyha community members and those with links with the community.

The Luyha community is the largest in Kenya with her people residing mainly in Western pronvince, Nairobi, Siaya (Raila’s Sakwa clan is a sub shoot of the Wanga clan in Mumias),Kisumu, Nandi, Trans Nzoia, Kisii and Nakuru.

Hon Musalia had vowed not to attend the BBI rallying and was instead to lead a parallel rally at Mumias to demonstrate his fire power and that he is the ultimate Luyha Kingpin.

Word has it that Musalia was ordered by his Mt Kenya masters to attend the rally otherwise he will be enclipsed in the 2022 line-up.

“I have no issues with my leaders Musalia Mudavadi and Senator Moses Wetangula in the way they play their politics, but an issue with their leadership skills. You see am no leader like them, but common sense dictates that as a leader when you make a decision, you stand by it, regardless of the challenges, coercion or any force that might be used to force a change of mind in you. Real leaders stand firm, even if the choices they made are unpopular. From the onset, these two gentlemen made it clear that they wouldn’t attent anything BBI or Bukhungu, instead they will be in Mumias. Things changed along the way.My point is; one key aspect of leadership is making a firm decision and standing by it with no fear of the consequences thereafter.And you still wonder why we the ‘Luhya people’ are usually referred to as the Cheapest tribe in the political circles
Anyway am following the BBI function.. Weta amekalia wapi?”

*Softy Ojiambo said reacting to news of Musalia and Wetangula attending BBI Rally.


Source: kenyagist.COM


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