Marketing guru leaves Regional college

Marketing guru leaves Regional college

By private Socrates via FB


Today, I have called it A DAY at Regional College.

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It’s been an honor to serve as the head of Marketing and business development department of this great college. I want to sincerely thank my former bosses Elisha Ouks and CPA Joshua Wafula for granting me the opportunity to serve as a board member of this great institution of higher learning.

As I proceed to do other things in life, I sincerely wish the college the very very best, as it continues to position itself as a center of excellence.

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As I leave the stage, I reflect on the two years that I served as a board member. The synergy, the resilience and most importantly, the collaborative frameworks we built collectively for the institution. Everyday, we did our best to help learners get access to quality training, career mentorship and a helped hundred of Kenyans expand their career horizons.
I leave behind a formidable team of lecturers, a well positioned management board, and most importantly a hopeful fraternity of students ready to learn, graduate and transform societies for the better.
With God’s grace, May this great college evolve to be an industry leader in innovative training and a center of excellence in the years, decades and milliniums to come.

It’s been an honor.




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