Lessons from Mike Sonko’s dramatic arrest

Lessons from Mike Sonko’s dramatic arrest

As we empathise with Governor Mike Sonko, Here are some of the lessons those in Power or those who one day intend to be in power should draw :-

1. Never Record or Screenshot Private conversations and make them public.
*This breaks trust and creates fear. Every public officer feared Sonko,none could confide in him. There are many who could have probably wanted to give him leakages and help in ODPP and EACC but none could for fear of being exposed.

2. Never Fire Your Top Aides or Employees.
*In any organization “organizational secrets” must be preserved thus firing top close employees is always a blunder as the secrets are likely to go out . Instead of firing, always re-assign your employees to new duties. In a span of two years, Sonko had fired alot of CECs and Senior County officials.

3. Never Talk Bad or Run a smear Campaign on your former employees.
*The whistle blowers though anonymous in nature, some if not most were drawn from the senior County officials Sonko fired and started going round in TVs calling them cartels and thiefs. Everyone, No matter how small he/she is, has a reputation to protect. The worst you can do for someone you have fired is going round maligning his name especially if he /she was just a scape goat, chances are their fighting back impacts are better imagined than experienced, now that EACC doors are always open and welcoming.

4. When you live in a glass house, Don’t throw stones.
*Even if currently reformed, But with a past not so clear just like any other human being, the last person you should pick a fight with is a senior official at the interior ministry.
It was ill advised of Sonko to start a direct open war with PS Kibicho and other Senior police officers in Nairobi. Kibicho by virtue of his office can dig the past of anyone he wishes to, even the villager from mnazi mmoja who is now drinking mnazi at a den. Sonko should have known when to stop and ask for a handshake. All the embarrassing scene today was Kibicho fighting back to show Sonko who calls the shots.

5. Don’t step on others.
*Karma is a bitch. At one time 20th Aug 2018, Sonko talked to Praful Kumar (Owner of Grand Manor hotel) and agreed to meet him, Praful was to bring money to stop demolition of his hotrl, Alaaas it was all a set up. Upon reaching EACC police were there and arrested Praful. Yesterday the same EACC feasted on Sonko.

Source: kenyagist.COM


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