Kenyans should ignore TZ President’s petty and cheap hatred, lets fix our country and be better than our neigbours

Kenyans should ignore TZ President’s petty and cheap hatred, lets fix our country and be better than our neigbours

Tanzania does not trust or like or respect Kenya, their president drunk with power keeps on throwing tantrums against Kenya. He addresses meeting calling Kenya and Kenyans names. He says that we are the home or epicenter of COVID 19.

He says that his country was busy working and growing food when we had knockdown and therefore , Tanzania which feeds Kenya should exploit Kenya by hiking prices..”Watwangeni!” was his rallying call to Tanzanians to have no mercy to Kenyans when selling food to Kenyans .

I doubt whether Uganda Likes us too. Kenya has no regrets to make to any of its neighbors. First, Tanzania has no capacity to ”Twanga” Kenya! We fought the white man! We must however not seat on our laurels but work harder to make this country an oasis of hope in Africa. A First world surrounded by third world.

South Korea is first world world while North Korea the noisy neighbor, the Magufuli type is a third world. Botwana is almost a first world while its noisy neighbors are just poor and improvident. As Kenyans what we need to stop doing to develop is more than what we should do to develop

If we should stop stealing and selling goods and services to the government four times the way they are sold in government tenders, we would convert Nairobi into the Paris or London of Africa. If a packet of cement is Kshs 500, it is sold to the government at Kshs 2000!

If we took time to think before we vote, we would not have fugitives like Sonko & Co running our cities and politics. If we stopped being divisive, we would vote men and women with ideas to run this county but not the tribal and religious hypocrites we elect!

If only we took care of public resources the way we take care of our private resources, we would not neglect our schools, universities, police stations and other public installations. Our homes are well organised but not our public spaces!

If only we reorganized our politics to stop a narrow ruling elite from benefiting themselves at the expense of the vast masses our country would be a first world and will be hated even more by lazy people who sit at home to watch and cheer other states at Olympics without even participating in one event like Tanzania !

Kenyans should ignore TZ President’s petty and cheap hatred, lets fix our country and be better than our neigbours



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