Kenyans Blast NTV Over Panel on Live Show


  • An interview conducted by NTV sparked an uproar, with critics claiming that the panel was not properly constituted to discuss the subject matter. 

    The interview that happened on the morning of Thursday, November 24, conducted by anchor Olive Barrows, discussed gender and climate change. 

    However, the panel comprised five ladies inclusive of the show host. 

    Those present were; Jackline Makokha – a director at state department for gender and affirmative action, EllyJoy Kithure Masila – gender equality and social inclusion specialist, Jennifer Kibon – woman leader in Tangulbei, Baringo and Vicky Betty Chepkorir – an environmentalist. 

    A poster of NTV's AM Live show featuring a panel and theme titled: What Does Gender Have to do with Climate Change
    A poster of NTV’s AM Live show featuring a panel and theme titled: What Does Gender Have to do with Climate Change

    “Have heard it as well, they will also not include a single man while talking of equality,” one Isak claimed. 

    “The topic is gender inequality, and I see five women, including the host, what does that tell you,” Abdulahi uttered.

    “From the post, there are five women in the panel, that’s already gender inequality,” Soft Zach added. 

    Benjamin Mwars further claimed that the presentation itself was a perfect definition of gender inequality. 

    “A gender inequality discussion where only one gender is represented,” Mwinde Mwanzia also weighed in. 

    Speaking exclusively to, Dr.George Nyabuga, a communication expert and a lecturer at the University of Nairobi, defended the show, arguing that there was no issue in the panel’s constitution. 

    “Gender is not an issue when composing an interview panel as far as those present are experts,” he noted.

    However, Dr Erneo Nyakundi, a communication expert, countered, arguing that gender representation should have been considered. 

    He also urged Kenyans not to rush to judge Nation Media Group before understanding the reason behind the panel’s formation. might be an unavoidable. 

    The Nation Centre building in Nairobi's Kimathi Street where the Nation Media Group offices are located. Monday, October 21, 2019
    The Nation Centre building in Nairobi’s Kimathi Street where the Nation Media Group offices are located.
    Simon Kiragu

    “Gender equality is very important especially for media though it matters with the topics of discussion. Kenyans should stop roasting NTV because they might have included men in the panel but failed to turn up at the last moment.

    “Media should, however, weigh their panel’s weight to the audience before presenting it. If some of those invited are not available, the media can opt to postpone the interview if at all it is a sensitive issue,” he stated.

  • Source: kENYANS.CO.KE


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