DP Ruto’s ghost role in building bridges initiative

DP Ruto’s ghost role in building bridges initiative

Douglas Ogari via fb


In the run up to the 2002 general elections when multi party democracy came into effect in Kenya, Raila Odinga has two options; money or the box, Raila chose the box hoping that it will have goodies at opening time in 2007; but even before opening it, three years later in 2005, Raila learnt that the box was empty; he immediately chatted another political journey (Orange Movement) that led to the 2007 stand still, a major political shake up & litmus test to Kenya’s democractical balance.

Then came the 2013 elections; William Samoei Ruto had two clear options; to chose between money or the box; he chose money. But till now, he regretted why he never chose the box of power to use it later for bargaining. To those who have attended political science classes, money influences mojo and media (Three M’s of politics), this leads to a successful political journey but after Jubilee’s 2017 re-election, President Uhuru Kenyatta re-introduced another ‘M’, the Mafia that completely wiped the three M’s of politics. Am informed that till now, the Business Class Kikuyu mafia dont know and/or ha e never seen a character by the name William Samoei Ruto, leave alone supporting him for the 2022 Presidency election.

Many adviced the Son of Samoei to break the marriage after the first term with Uhuru Kenyatta, but being who he is, ‘Mr. Know it all’ crushed his advisers and only applied the ‘before me there were many but after me there is none” narrative, he couldn’t listen. Even yours truly Ogari Douglas Mtetezi (ODM) wrote an article sometime back asking the Son of Samoei to chose Raila Odinga over Uhuru Kenyatta in the wake up to their 2017 re-election but the Son of Samoei couldn’t listen. And here comes the BBI dilemma.

Now, let me tell you something.

Once a good hunter hears a lion’s roar, he doesn’t need to see it, he runs for his dear life and takes position. The Son of Samoei has even seen the lion but still saying that he is still safe because his grandfather used to deal with lions. A offensive strategist (according to Robert Green’s 33 Strategiss of war) would tell William Ruto to fiercely oppose the Building Bridges Initiative, oppose PM Raila, oppose the President and finally tender his resignation as he reatrategises his strong opposition team (refer to Raila’s Orange Movement 2005).

There is still life beyond the deputy President, many have resigned and come back as President & prime Ministers; Grover Cleveland resigned as New York Governor(1885) and later became US President, John Jay resigned as US CJ(1975), our own Kenneth Kaunda resigned as Zambia President(1968) due to divided country, Richard Nixon resigned as US VP (1973) due to corruption allegations and Richard Nixon resigned US President due to Watergate Scandal. Ruto shouldn’t fear resigning because he qualifies to resign and make a comeback. On the other hand, a defensive strategist would tell DP Ruto to keep quiet and be the Daniel Torotich Arap Moi of 1978, the dump VP, the quiet VP, the humble VP and the strategic VP who never uttered a word but ended up governing Kenya for 24 decades. What DP Ruto is doing is none of Robert Green strategies of war but he is back biting the President and holding on the Deputy Presidency. BBI will be made into law & extend Uhuru’s term but has no space for Ruto; he should be wise.

The Son of Samoei should learn from Raila Odinga who is currently using the 21st strategies of war among the 33 war strategies (Robert Greene). He is Negotiating while Advancing. If say, Raila Odinga wakes up today and opposes the handshake, all his supporters starting with Onyango Ochieng Jr will fall suit minus any minor complain/discussion. Ruto should also learn from Raila Odinga who is currently doing what Rasputin did between 1914-1917 during the Russian vs Greece war. Raila Odinga is the 1905’s Rasputin of Russia who was entrusted by the Tsar(Nicolas) and the Tsarina(Alexandria) after healing their only hailing son Alexis from hemophilia. They then trusted him to be a special advisor but he ended up having a relationship with the Tsar’s wife Alexandria and later took over the Russian Empire (1900-1915) but later messed the Tsar’s empire in 1915/17 when he the enemy did a state capture. Raila is exactly doing a state capture, having been entrusted to run state affairs, receive delegations on behalf of the head of state and given authority to commission projects plus getting plum parastatal jobs/state appointments to his core soldiers. This is happening while the Son of Samoei looks on reminding me of the many unpunishable mistakes that the players can make in the field so long as the referee is not alert.

Coming to BBI; as we head to Bomas of Kenya on Wednesday to receive the report, its common knowledge that there is nothing like a BBI report, its wither you agree with Uhuru’s term extension & Raila’s ceremonial Presidency or you oppose. DP Ruto is a proponent of the latter and that’s why he is always insisting on Uhuru’s retirement in 2022 and ‘Kunyorosha BBI kama iko na Makosa!”. BBI can’t be edited by anybody who was not part of the agreement, it has already been edited by both Uhuru and Raila, what’s remaining is putting it into law and consequent formation of BBI Party of Kenya (BPK).

The BBI Party of Kenya, to be formed after the referendum, will be comprised of several friendly parties that buy Uhuru/Raila truce but for Ruto to demand a Prime Minister Position in BBI, he must first look for a SPACE before looking a SEAT. Key political figures like Alfred Mutua, Charity Ngilu, Fred Matiang’i, James Orengo, James Ongwae, Wickliffe Oparanya, Ann Waiguru and Hassan Joho will feature in the new party. Ruto must learn from his past mistakes and keenly read both Robert Greene’s books; 33 Strategies of War and 48 Laws of Power failure to which his Presidency will remain at Aspirancy/Candidature level for a period three decades before it actualizes or still remain a dream that can only be achieved in a very deep sleep.

Ogari Douglas Mtetezi
BBI Youth Leader, Kisii county

Source: kenyagist.COM


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