DP Ruto supporters in panic after passage of BBI bill in West Pilot, Trans Nzoia counties


By Jerome ogolla via FB

When the BBI bill flopped in Baringo, in a session that turned into a melee, there were ululations everywhere in Mukuru Kwa Zuckerberg, that finally, Dr Ruto had subdued senator Moi in his own backyard

Tangatanga caught a rare orgasm and attributed the defeat to smart manoeuvres by their leader, and also took it as a vote of confidence to his political camp. They said that was evidence that the country had denounced that BBI thing

I advised against taking responsibility for the Baringo defeat while arguing that if that was the case they may also have to take responsibility for any win that may come from other county assemblies

Now, as I had predicted, a Tharaka Nithi of BBI has come with several victories in different county assemblies, some in Rift Valley, and now the lot has gone mute, some murmuring that their camp hasn’t categorically rejected the proposed amendments

If the manner in which I saw people scramble to sign the BBI books are anything to go by, the coming days are going to be very difficult for anyone who opposes the process

In other news, Senator Murkomen is a genuine Ruto loyalist, going by his words and acts and body language. Even if this hunt for an elephant fails and the latter manages a mere squirrel, he must not forget Murkomen, his loyal soldier

Others like Khalwale, dance themselves lame for other specific interests. When you see him dance with his knee touching his chin, then he has seen money

Lastly, in other non related matters, religion shouldn’t be a hindrance to the society adopting modern methods of disposing the bodies of their dead relatives. Remember the Jewish magician was buried without any coffin, on the same day he died. Why do you insist in following your religion when it’s founder, Jesus, buried “ki-islamu?”

Good morning my fellow Hoof-Eaters!!

DP Ruto supporters in panic after passage of BBI bill in West Pilot, Trans Nzoia counties



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