Open US Bank Account from Kenya


Are you thinking of best alternative to send and receive money in US with ease? Then, let talk about how you can open a Payoneer Account in Nigeria for free and even get the Payoneer MasterCard (ATM) delivered to your house within 2 weeks!

If you’re a freelancer or internet marketer, you will need a reliable medium to send and receive money in Nigeria without actually disturbing your local bank account. Three years ago when I knew nothing about Payoneer account in Nigeria, I have lost most foreign clients because there is no medium of payment.

Using Western Union in Nigeria might be of headache because of MTCN tracking and even, police officers’ troubles, thinking you’re a fraudster or a “Yahoo Yahoo” Boy.

I don’t know the source of your business but I’m sure most Nigerian entrepreneurs need a good payment option that’s far better and reliable than PayPal, that’s why you need to get your Payoneer account today.

If this is your first time reading this, you may be asking that…..

Does Payoneer Really Work in Nigeria?

Yes! Payoneer perfectly work in Nigeria unlike PayPal that allows us to send money but refuse to enable receiving money from foreign clients to Nigeria.

It work without any limitation.

To open a payoneer account in Nigeria automatically means you are opening real foreign bank accounts. Meaning, that you can give the details of your foreign bank account to any foreign clients and that person will pay you using Bank or Wire Transfer, even if that person didn’t have a Payoneer account.

For instance, I live in Nigeria and have never traveled out of the till the moment I’m writing this blog post but I have a personal bank account in USA and other European countries.

Now, I know you’re eager to get your own foreign accounts and especially, this Payoneer account in Nigeria. But before then, let me quickly tell you why Payoneer is the best alternative to PayPal in Nigeria;

Payoneer Account in Nigeria Vs PayPal

Which One Should I Choose Between Payoneer and PayPal in Nigeria?

If you’re asking the best medium to receive or send online payment in Nigeria, then I will advise you to stick to Payoneer. I’m not just choosing Payoneer but here are my reasons:

  • You can use Payoneer to send and receive money in Nigeria while normal PayPal account in Nigeria can only send but can’t receive.
  • Paypal can hold your money unnecessarily for months but Payoneer don’t do such except your funding source is not plain.
  • You can get Payoneer Mastercard in Nigeria but you can’t get PayPal card in Nigeria except for Virtual Credit Card (VCC) which can land you in trouble any time.
  • You automatically get foreign account numbers with Payoneer in Nigeria but PayPal doesn’t offer that
  • You can easily withdraw your funds in Payoneer to your Nigeria bank account but withdrawing from PayPal to local bank account in Nigeria is very lean
  • If you have a Payoneer account in Nigeria, you have no fear for any arrant chargebacks but on PayPal, clients who are scammers can pay you and even take the money again from you
  • Payoneer will pay about $150 (about N54,000) for using their service to receive payment online when you reached a certain milestone while PayPal doesn’t care.
  • And you can…..

Make Money with Payoneer Referral Program in Nigeria!

This is stunning and getting crazier! Yes, you can earn money on Payoneer if you know how to promote your referral link to people who send and receive money online in Nigeria

  • You can Earn Money on Payoneer in Nigeria without working but just by referring people and you’ll be paid $25 (approximately N9,000) for each person you referred but not possible on PayPal.

Let assume that you promote your referral link to 100 people on social media or anywhere, if 10 sign up and use the service to receive at least $1000, you’ve earned $25 each on those 10 people making $250 and that’s whooping N90,000 without leaving your house!

How to Sign up for Payoneer Referral program in Nigeria and Make Money

  1. Login to your dashboard. If you have not open an account, click here now to sign up for free
  2. At the right side of your screen (the sidebar), click on the banner that says “Refer and Earn $25”
  3. Copy that long link
  4. Go to Https:// and shorten the long referral link given to you by Payoneer
  5. Start promoting the shorten link to your friends on Facebook and anywhere you can!

With the 8 reasons above, you can now come to a conclusion yourself if PayPal account is good for you in Nigeria or a Payoneer account.

Let talk about getting your account started. But we need to start with tools;

Requirements for Creating a Payoneer Account in Nigeria

  • An Email address
  • A government issued card – Such as National ID Card, Voters Card, Drivers’ licence, International Passport etc.
  • Your Phone or PC and Data Connection

How to Open a Payoneer Account in Nigeria and Get Approved Easily

  1. Click here to get started or go to
  2. In the homepage, click on “Sign Up
  3. You’ll be taken to a registration page, fill in the data honestly as it appears on the government issued I.D card you want to use.
  • You’ll be asked to input your Identification Number, ENTER your NIN to fill the place (The Government Issued Card or National ID card you want to use must be correct and match with the name and addresses you’ll be providing to Payoneer.
  • Enter your correct date of birth as it appears on the government document
  • If you’re asked about the ZIP CODE or POSTAL CODE, kindly do this little work: Go to and search for this ‘Your Town Zip Code’ I mean something like “Osogbo Nigeria Zip Code”, you’ll see your zip code among the results provided. Note that Zip Code is a 6-digits number that shows where your town is located in the world. For instance, the nearby street I’m living has a zip code of 23**14
  1. After filling in correct and honest data in the registration page, click on “SUBMIT” and you’ll be taking to a new page telling you that your account is under review.
  • This means they’re reviewing your account if the data you input is correct or not. Finally you’ll receive a response if your account is Approved or Not.
  • If you signed up with the correct information on your National ID card or any government issued card, you’ll be approved but if you’re not, then you did something wrong. Contact me here for assistance!

After approved, what next? You need to link your bank account!

How to Link Your Local Bank to Payoneer Account in Nigeria

  1. Go to and login with the email and password you’ve used to create your verified Payoneer account
  2. In your dashboard, click on “SETTINGS” located at the header. A menu will drop down but click on “BANK ACCOUNTS”.
  • (make sure you’re either using a PC or use “desktop view” on phones)
  1. You’ll see “Add Bank Account” and icon like a small house, click on it and you’ll be asked to enter your details

Now, we’re going to talk about how you can add your bank account details to Payoneer account in Nigeria in 3 simple steps as follows:

Part A – Add Bank Details

  1. Select either ‘Personal’ or ‘Business’ type of account. Personally, I’m using ‘Personal’ account type and it has been so good for me
  2. Choose your country – Payoneer will automatically chose Nigeria for you though
  3. The default bank account currency for Nigeria on Payoneer is currently “USD”
  4. Click “Next”

PART B – Enter Account Details

  1. Enter your bank name first… such as ‘First Bank of Nigeria’ etc
  2. Enter the (your) real name as used in the bank
  3. Your account number will follows
  4. Enter your bank SWIFT CODE or BIC – You can search online to know your Bank Swift code in Nigeria
  • Comment below to request for your bank SWIFT CODE and I will reply ASAP. But ensure you write your bank location and name to get it easily
  1. Click on “I confirm the bank account details above”

PART C – Confirm Payoneer Account Details

  1. Review and ensure all information is correct
  2. If it’s correct, finally click on “SUBMIT”

Congrats, you’ve successfully add your Nigeria’s bank details to your Payoneer account. Now, you can withdraw your earnings from Payoneer to your Bank account in Nigeria without any issue.

But how can I do this? I’ll tell you

PSS: I buy Payoneer funds of any amount and I will send your money to your Nigeria bank account as soon as the payment from you is confirmed and approved. My rate is okay than loosing your funds to scammers. Kindly contact me on WhatsApp: 080 6886 6068 or CONTACT ME HERE!

How to Withdraw From Payoneer to Bank Account in Nigeria?

Once you’ve successfully add your bank details and you’ve receive an approval email, let talk about withdrawing your funds from Payoneer to the local bank account in Nigeria. Follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your Payoneer Dashboard or go to
  2. If you’re on desktop view, simply hover on “Withdraw” and finally click on “To Bank Account”. But if you’re on mobile view, click on MENU (the three aligned lines at the left hand-side), hover on “withdrawn” and click on “To Bank Account
  3. You’ll be taken to the WITHDRAW page, click on the currency you want to withdraw from (Either USD, EUR, GBP)
  4. After clicking on the Currency unit, it’s time to enter withdrawal details.
  • Select the bank account you’ve already added
  • Write amount you wish to withdraw from your payoneer account to your Naija bank
  • Write the reason you want to withdraw
  • And finally click on REVIEW
  1. Check if the details you’ve entered are correct
  2. If they are correct, click on SUBMIT

Bravo! Your money is on the way from Payoneer account to your bank in Nigeria.

Remember I said one of the reason I will always choose Payoneer account in Nigeria over PayPal is that you can get Mastercard from Payoneer, which you can use to withdraw your money on any ATM locations in Nigeria.

So let talk about how you can actually do that;

How to Request for Payoneer Mastercard in Nigeria

  1. Login to your dashboard and click on ORDER CARD
  2. Now, fill in the form that appears correctly as you can be reached in Nigeria
  • Choose the type of payoneer mastercard you need from USD, EUR, GBP
  • Fill in your address correctly
  • Agree to all terms, policies
  1. And finally click on ORDER CARD

Your Payoneer card is on the way to Nigeria……..

Frequently Asked Questions about Payoneer Account in Nigeria

But below are the few questions you may need to know now;

1.      Is Ordering of Payoneer Mastercard in Nigeria Free of Charge?

Yes, it’s absolute free as long as you’ve earned at least, $50 – $200 to the payoneer card before. It’s not free for Expedite shipping.

2.      How Many Days will the Payoneer Mastercard Arrives in Nigeria?

It will take 14 days or two weeks before the Payoneer mastercard get to you here in Nigeria. But if you’re in hurry to get the card quickly, you can order the card using expedite shipping which costs $50 and you’ll get the card within 3 days!

3.      How Many Days Will The Money I Withdraw From Payoneer to Be In My Bank Account in Nigeria?

It will take 3 days or less, depending on the day you withdraw the funds.

That’s why Payoneer will tell you 3 – 5 business days for your money to reach your local bank in Nigeria.

If you withdraw on Tuesday, you will get your money latest by Friday. If you withdraw on Saturday, you will get your money by Wednesday.

But as times goes on, you will see your money within 24 hours. Like these days, I receive my money withdrew from Payoneer to my bank account here in Nigeria within 24 hours.

The more you use the service to receive or send money, the more you’re going to be given some level.. lol

4.      How Can I Activate my Payoneer Mastercard in Nigeria?

This is important though, because the card is useless without activating it.

To activate it, simply follow the instruction written in a sheet in the white envelop given to you – I mean, the enclosed enveloped that’s used to ship your payoneer card to you.

5.      What is Payoneer Fee for Withdrawing Money to Nigeria Bank?

Payoneer withdrawal fee in Nigeria and other countries is approximately $3 ($2.99 to be certain) for a local bank transfer and $15 for a USD SWIFT transfer

6.     What is Payoneer Minimum and Maximum Withdrawal to Nigeria Banks?

Currently, the minimum you can withdraw from your payoneer account in Nigeria is $50 and the maximum start from $5,000.

My own account can withdraw up to $20,000 because I’ve been using it for a while.

7.      Is Payoneer a Payment Gateway?

No! Payoneer is not a payment gateway like PayPal, Stripe and others. But rather, Payoneer is a Payment processor for freelancers and business owners to pay and receive money.

You can also pay for services or products purchased from online shopping stores.

As I freelancer, I withdraw my fiverr earnings to Payoneer directly without any issue.

8.      What is the Payoneer Mastercard Withdrawal fee?

As said earlier, $3 will be deducted at every card slot into the ATM machine and $29.95 charges as annual fee.

CONCLUSION – How to Open a Payoneer Account in Nigeria & Get MasterCard Card Easily

So far, you have learn how to get your own payoneer account in Nigeria and easily get your payoneer prepaid mastercard. I don’t know if you will have any other questions to ask about this, but you can comment down below and I’ll attend to your questions as soon as possible.

Don’t forget to SIGN UP here in order to earn $25 and invite your friend to earn more!

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