Moi era minister asks Gen Z to stop protests, embrace dialogue

Veteran politician Hussein Mohamed speaking to journalists at his Garissa residence.

Veteran politician Hussein Mohamed has appealed to the youth and other Kenyans to end protests and accept dialogue with the government.

Mohamed, who was MP for  Dujis (now Garissa Township) for 30 years, called on President William Ruto to listen to the young people as he would loose nothing by doing so.

Mohamed served as a minister in President Daniel arap Moi’s regime and in Kibaki’s administration as an assistant minister.

He said the demonstrations started peacefully but have since been infiltrated by thugs out to loot and destroy property.

“I want to tell them that as our children and grandchildren we love you. You are the future leaders of this country. You are the owners of this great country. And we are happy for you because you started a good cause to tell our government that what they are doing is not right and it has yielded fruit to a big extent,” Mohamed said.

Speaking at his Garissa residence, the retired politician said even though the Constitution is clear on the right to demonstrate and picket, having peaceful protests is not possible since goons always take advantage of the situation to start looting and destroying people’s property.

Source: theStars
Original writer: [email protected] (STEPHEN ASTARIKO)


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