DP Ruto and Tanga Tanga are real comedians with their bottom ‘Upuzi’- ODM


DP Ruto and Tanga Tanga are real comedians with their bottom ‘Upuzi’- ODM

We have watched with intense bemusement, after weeks of comical tongue-stiffening on National TV, tangatanga trying to explain their pseudo economical model, Bottom Up.

They have comically tried to frame the argument as between the so called bottom up viz trickle down economic models, whilst demonstrating they have no clue what either means.

They have chosen to blame their self-inflicted problems on everyone but themselves. Maybe the country will take them seriously the day they shed the colours of the parties on which they were elected, and seek fresh mandate on the colours of their newfound fraud bus, UDA.
Be that as it may we wish to make the following clear.

1. The President extended tangatanga and their leader a lot of leeway in Jubilee’s first term, which they could very well have used to implement this so called bottom up approach but which they instead saw as an opportunity to loot, grab, and basically run the country into the ground.

2. Despite what they say, the truth remains that the problems in Jubilee begin and end with DP Ruto. None other than Jubilee Party Leader H. E Uhuru Kenyatta has said as much. We are utterly bemused that Ruto has failed to muster any sort of courage all this while to face his boss and instead chooses to shadow box by dragging in H. E Raila Odinga.

3. Government programs including the big 4 continue unabated. The difference is Ruto is no longer invited to launch or commission these, so he believes they stopped.
4. We understand why Ruto would like the conversation to move from what he was doing flying around the world with unsavoury characters and doing things whose definitions do not fall too far from money laundering.

He obviously does not want the national chatter to revolve around what exactly he was upto, trying to sneak out the country, without the President’s clearance.

We will keep asking why the holder of office a heartbeat away from the presidency keeps acting in a manner that suggests he is intent on overturning the country’s constitutional order.

We will keep asking why a holder of such high office hosts strange characters at his house and office, whose sole mission is to defraud the nation and compromise national security. We are not as ignorant as the yellow-clad characters hosted at the Karen residence today.

DP Ruto and Tanga Tanga are real comedians with their bottom ‘Upuzi’- ODM



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