DP Ruto endorses Okengo Nyambane as UDA’s 2022 Senatorial candidate in Kisii


By Albert Amenya

Top Kisii Senatorial contender hon Okengo Nyambane received a boost after Deputy President Dr. William Ruto endorsed his candidature.

Speaking in his Karen residence, the Deputy President assured the flamboyant businessman and philanthropist of his support come 2022.

The Deputy President also assured him of the UDA ticket as 2022 approach. According to the recent opinion polls conducted in Gusiiland, UDA emerged as the most popular party followed by Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement ODM.

“Mheshimiwa Nyambane, I want to assure you of my support because I’ve heard a lot about you. Hundreds of Abagusii have been telling me about you and the good job you are doing to help our people. I am also made aware that you are the most popular candidate on the ground and I want to assure you that we shall support you fully” Said the Deputy President.

Mr. Okengo thanked the Deputy President and assured him that he will bring the victory home. The same opinion polls indicated that Deputy President Dr. William Ruto is the man to beat in the grassroots.

Hon Okengo is a renowned philanthropist across Gusiiland. He sponsors more than one hundred bright students from poor families. He also has a kitty that caters for the welfare of the less privileged in the society.      




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