Itumbi exposes deep state plan against Moses Kuria, threats and intimidation

Itumbi exposes deep state plan against Moses Kuria, threats and intimidation

Moses Kuria Arrested.


A Deep State in Panic over Juja By-Elections.

The Facts…

1. DCI summoned Juja aspirant George Koimburi THREE times over all manner of things but could not pin any on him.

2. They then tried to have IEBC remove him from the list of aspirants for Juja. IEBC stood ground and put up the list.

3. The expiry for Feedback is 16th April 2021. So Deep State leaks certificates and letters from KNEC and others. But they know, they have to prove their case in a Court Of Law. They are aware that is impossible before the by-elections. So the leakage is just a SHORTCUT

4.It is however a very weak shortcut, because even if it was true, Senator Agnes Kavindu of Machakos had a similar matter in court and Deep State ensured she got to the ballot. Governor Samboja too.Let us not even get into the details.

5. So, Deep State arrests the wife, never mind she has nothing to do with the politics, except that her husband has challenged the establishment and he is just a kajamaa hakajulikani, baba yake ni nani?..How dare he?

6. Then you arrest Hon.Moses Kuria.

The Deep State Spin

1. We arrested him with 60 others in a bar and Restaraunt past curfew.

( Of Course an OUTRIGHT Lie, but let us belive tge lue for tge sake of argument…)


2. The establishment in question is Havilla, reportedly owned by Leah Koinange

3. Leah Koinange, is cited as an aspirant by the way.

4. If indeed they were in a bar and restaraunt past hours, why are the owners of the Bar and Restaraunt free? Why are they NOT arrested for operating past hours?

Why? We know the name of the Family.

And….well…simply DOUBLE STANDARDS!

BUT, at the end of the day, the Drama, Handcuffs and Guns not withstanding…


Itumbi exposes deep state plan against Moses Kuria, threats and intimidation



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