BABU OWINO in panic mode as WILLIAM RUTO man COSMO CHOI vows to send him packing in 2022

BABU OWINO in panic mode as WILLIAM RUTO man COSMO CHOI vows to send him packing in 2022

By Bonny Maina

EMBAKASI EAST MP hon Babu Owino is in panick mode after former Raila’s right hand man, now Dr. William Ruto’s soldier and Chief Tangatanga strategist hon Chosmo Choi received overwhelming endorsement from members of the Kikuyu community living in Embakasi.

Hon Choi, the United Stated based tycoon made clear his intention to unseat the vocal ODM youthful Member of Parliament on a United Democratic Alliance (UDA) ticket last year after.

Speaking to kenyagist team on phone, hon Cosmo said he decided to take the bull by its horns and send Babu Owino home following the unstinting pressure by Embakasi East residents who are tired of Owino’s chaotic leadership.

The great people of Embakasi East have approached me in large numbers and pleaded with me to save them from the barbaric style of leadership by the former University of Nairobi long-serving student leader. If the people have said yes, who am I to say no?” Said Hon Choi.

Hon Choi is a no nonsense leader who fires without missing the target. He is known to speak his mind without fear of intimidation.

Yesterday hon Choi’s campaign team received a boost when  members of the Kikuyu community living in Embakasi East threw their support behind hon Choi and promised to support his campaigns.

Immediately after learning it, area MP hon Babu Owino took it to his social media account to rubbish the move.

He dared hon Choi to brace himself for a tough battle ahead.

Hon choi is expected to put up a strong campaign team that will bring together seasoned political strategists to ensure they achieve victory.

We shall comb each and every corner of Embakasi East to ensure we get to all our people and educate them about good leadership. Our people have suffered enough in the hands of rogue leaders like Babu Owino who only focus on politicking and forget about serving the people.” He added.




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