Revealed: Panic gripped DP Ruto after Senator Gedion Moi was installed as an elder in Kapsisiywa

Revealed: Panic gripped DP Ruto after Senator Gedion Moi was installed as an elder in Kapsisiywa

By Jerome ogolla via FB

Finally, Mr Beringo Ya Kati, aka Gideon Moi made it to the Talai shrine in Kapsisiywa in Nandi and wore a “sambut” for the blessings. This is after he had abandoned mission, two weeks ago, while on his way to place, when he drove into a hostile crowd

His father also met similar resistance on his way to power. He had been telephoned by Eliud Mahihu a powerful PC of the Coast province, and advised to travel to Nairobi and be sworn in as president, when Kenyatta died while on holiday at the coast

Moi who was then at his Kabarak home had to travel to Nairobi immediately, as advised. By then, Mzee Kenyatta’s death hadn’t been made public and Moi’s swearing in had to be planned secretly, because there existed a powerful clique coalescing around GEMA, which never wanted Moi to succeed Kenyatta

However, they caught wind of the development and planted ngoroko on the road to intercept, abduct and probably eliminate Moi as a way of preventing him from becoming president. Luckily for Moi, he had driven beyond the very spot this roadblock was mounted. His was by sheer luck

Assuming that indeed it takes the blessings of the Talai to become president and nothing else, then Gideon’s ride to power would be attributed to the tricks he employed to reach the place, unlike his father who only only rode on luck

How did Gideon reach Kapsisiywa? The first possible scenario, is that he may’ve flown to the place. It is pretty impossible to mount a roadblock in the air. In fact most of those who stopped his first trip to the venue are hoof eaters who have never been to the air, have never flown and maybe the only airport they’ve seen is that on Wafula Chebukati’s head

The second possible scenario is that he travelled under the cover of the darkness, when those who intercepted him earlier was dead asleep, probably being chased by the pangaman. Again, he may have discarded opulence, acted a Hoof-Eater, to conceal his identity. This can easily be achieved by driving in an old probox, without any convoy and avoiding expensive suits

He can easily learn this from Rayila who sailed in an old boat to Uganda, while dressed like a Legio Maria priest, at midnight, in a race to avoid Moi’s hitmen, who had been sent to bring his head, in the 80s

Lastly, he may’ve chosen to use money. Money is known to open a way, even where there is no road. That’s how matatus beat these many roadblocks. He may have carried a gunia of money in his car boot, he meets any obstacle, he buys himself a way

Money works wonders. If a Hoof-Eater leaves his home, with a sharpened panga, on a mission to perform a free surgery on an enemy, maybe someone he suspects to be his “co husband”, and on the way, he discovers a G4S cash in transit can has just rolled and spilled genuine currency notes on the road, do you think this man will proceed on his mission?

Whichever way, Gideon attained his goal. He has won the battle. Will he win the war? It remains to been considering that this is an oxymoron

He who has more people, wins the race. You cannot win this race, by evading the people

Good morning my fellow Hoof-Eaters

Revealed: Panic gripped DP Ruto after Senator Gedion Moi was installed as an elder in Kapsisiywa



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