Netizens roast dictator Museveni for starving a18 months old baby, inhuman

Netizens roast dictator Museveni for starving a18 months old baby, inhuman

The main opposition contender in the just concluded Ugandan General Election, Bobi Wine, has yet again raised alarm as the military continues to place him and his wife under siege.

Tweeting from his home in the capital of Kampala, the singer-turned politician whose official name is Robert Kyagulanyi posted on his Twitter account on Tuesday that he was running out of basic commodities since he and his family are unable to move out of the house, which he said is surrounded by the men in uniform.

“Day Six under house arrest and we’re still stuck with an 18-month-old baby who had paid a visit to her auntie (my wife) before we were raided and besieged,” Wine said.

Day Six under house arrest and we’re still stuck with an 18 months old baby who had paid a visit to her auntie (my wife ) be4 we were raided & besieged. The Dad has been denied access to her. We have run out of food and milk. No one is allowed to leave or come into our compound.

— BOBI WINE (@HEBobiwine) January 19, 2021

Bobi Wine emerged second in the presidential contest, which was won by the incumbent Yoweri Museveni.

According to the electoral commission, Museveni won 5.85 million votes, equal to 58.6 percent, as Wine had 3.48 million votes, 34.8 percent of the votes cast. Wine has however been vocal that there were cases of irregularities in favor of the incumbent which marred the elections

The U.S Ambassador to Uganda who also tried visiting Wine was denied entry by the military manning his home

“This afternoon, the US Ambassador to Uganda made an effort to visit me but was turned away from my gate by the soldiers who have held me and my wife captive for the past five days.”

Netizens roast dictator Museveni for starving a18 months old baby, inhuman



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