DRAMA: Nyamira Deputy Governor nominee Hon Gesami fails to answers questions during vetting, wife took charge


DRAMA: Nyamira Deputy Governor nominee Hon Gesami fails to answers questions during vetting, wife took charge

By Felix Ondimu

Members of the Nyamira County Assembly’s Appointments Committee were on Friday 15th January 2021 entertained to a rare occurrence that has now become the talk of town. This happened when they were interviewing the new Governor H.E. Amos Nyaribo’s nominee for the Deputy Governor position – Dr James Ondicho Gesami. Hon. Nyaribo the immediate former Deputy Governor assumed office on 29th December 2020 following the demise of the then Governor H.E. John Obiero Nyagarama who passed away on 18th December 2020 as a result of COVID19 complications.

The vetting exercise that was supposed to take at least three hours took a close to seven hours. First, the nominee having confirmed to the Committee that he was a member of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party, failed to prove his membership, neither did he produce a clearance letter nor a nomination certificate issued by the Party’s elections board. When pressed further, he claimed that he was invited to the Party by the Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga – the Party Leader.

The nominee further demonstrated his lack of knowledge of the functions of the Office of the Deputy Governor. A video doing rounds online shows the County Assembly Speaker asking Dr. Gesami if he is aware of the functions of the Deputy Governor as provided for in the County Governments Act besides being a principal assistant to the Governor. In his response, Dr. Gesami is heard saying that he was not conversant with the said provision of the law but he will read it later.

When the questioning became unbearable, the good medical doctor turned politician sought refuge at his wife who had accompanied him to the vetting exercise for answers. To the bewilderment of the Committee members, Dr. Rachael Gesami took upon herself to answer some questions on behalf of the husband. This act enraged the members who were heard mumbling, who between Dr. James and Dr. Rachael was nominated by the Governor. This was before the Assembly Speaker who is also the Chairperson of the Committee reminded the couple as to who was being vetted.

In the event that the County Assembly approves his nomination and the subsequent appointment to office by the Governor, who between the two will be calling shots at the County? Over to you the people of Nyamira County – indeed as the motto says – it is a County of Possibilities.

DRAMA: Nyamira Deputy Governor nominee Hon Gesami fails to answers questions during vetting, wife took charge



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