Why Eric Omondi won Jacque Maribe, defeated Itumbi and Jowie


By Jerome Ogola via FB

A year ago today, this is what was in our mind!
Is Jackie Maribe, Omondi’s, Jowie’s or Itumbi’s?
Everything that is everybody’s, is nobody’s and so Jackie Maribe is nobody’s
The lady has tough choices to make. Jowie looks exactly like every lady wishes her man looks, and would wish their children to look like, but then he doesn’t have that thing the youth call ‘kakitu’
Remember, while rejecting his bail application, Judge Wakiaga noted that the accused is a male slay queen and a woman eater without any known address

In simple terms the judge said there was no reason to release someone, to go ‘borrow sleep’ from friends and relatives, because he has, no home of his own, when the government operates a five star facility called Industrial Area Remand Prison
He is one of us, here in the South, only that ‘anajikaza’. He may also be an Eliud Owallo and that’s what keeps Maribe hooked
Itumbi on the other hand may look like a ‘kitu ya msituni’ or a ‘kitu ya kujitengenezea’, but the guy is loaded, has connections, mingles with the who is who in the society, and goes to places every lady would wish to go
I hope you remember what ‘kitu ya kujitengenezea is’. If you’ve forgotten, then try making a table, if you aren’t a carpenter. That thing you will make is what we are talking about

Itumbi may also be a Mr toothpickness, and that’s why the lady can’t settle on him
Omondi is a hybrid of the two, he has ‘kakitu’ and he also has a ‘kitu’ from one of the photos I once saw doing rounds in this slum of Kwa Zuckerberg, depicting him as a relative of Owallo who is a known relative of a donkey
Jackie isn’t alone, many ladies are faced with a similar predicament. They have to make tough choices. Wanyonyi don’t create complete beings

You have to contend with one deformation. Again the more a lady insists on an Owallo’s relative, the more likely that erosion, caused by wear and tear, has created a Nam Lolwe, in her

Anyway, if men are allowed, by law and by society to keep several women, why not women?
Far away from that, Mama Mwangi, the local grocer, doesn’t knock my door to ask for any uneaten bread. When I pay for the product, while buying it, it became mine, even if I don’t eat even a slice

Why do telcos Safaricom/Airtel take back expired bundles?
That is the reason, the adjudication of the the complaint filed before the Communications and Multimedia Appeals Tribunal, by a Mr Adrian Kamotho should be of interest to everyone

Why Eric Omondi won Jacque Maribe, defeated Itumbi and Jowie



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