Senator Malala popularity was euphoric with no reason. Everyone loved him, but no one knew why

Senator Malala popularity was euphoric with no reason. Everyone loved him, but no one knew why

I voted for KNUN SG Seth Panyako, as my senator in the last elections. I voted for him not because I saw potential in him, but for the reason that in my assessment, then, he appeared a better candidate than Malala

Malala’s popularity was euphoric and there wasn’t any explanation to that. Everyone loved him, but no one knew why
By then, his only known achievement was being slapped by Oparanya in a funeral in Mumias, and I thought that wasn’t a reason enough
On top, to me, he appeared very uninspiring, more of a sumo wrestler than a senator and I thought I would’ve voted for him, if the Senate was an uji drinking competition because he looked like he can excel in that

Later I realised that I was wrong and the others were right. I have realised that apart from the allegations of bribery over the revenue allocation formula, Malala is an astute debater and an independent thinker
In the race for the Kakamega gubernatorial seat, if all factors remain constant, I will vote for him. He was an ANC candidate, and his success seems to have been an individual efforts which had nothing to do with the party, because the ANC gubernatorial candidate scored a paltry 8k votes, that’s 410k less than Oparanya, the victor

Panyako fraudulently won the ODM nominations, against my good friend, wakili Justus Wabuyabo. The latter is a razor sharp patriot, who would’ve been a big asset to the houses especially in these turbulent times
I never liked Panyako, but gave him a benefit of doubt and voted for him, after he “trounced” my candidate. I disliked him because he shouts instead of talking
Such noisy people are rarely skillful because to them, speech is an act of the mouth and not the brain, as such, they rarely engage the latter, before running in their trademark verbose

That the man who ODM snatched the ticket for, at the expense of a party loyalist, wakili Justus Wabuyabo, isn’t strange, because he didn’t believe in the party or it’s leadership but only joined it for the convenience of sailing to the senate
In future, the party must learn to look at the faces of those seeking nomination tickets. This habit of looking at their pockets and smelling for money, has come to haunt the party

On Panyako’s vitriol to Rayila, as I’ve noted above, the verbal diarrhea shouldn’t be strange coming from a man very alien to the structures of governance, in this country
Kenya is governed by institutions. When something is amiss, we blame those who head these institutions, ie Uhuru for presidency, Ruto for deputy presidency, Kagwe for the health docket etc etc

Those who don’t hold any positions in the government have no role to play in governance apart from voting and paying taxes
Rayila is a citizen like anyone else. Anything which you feel he ought to have done, but he hasn’t done, you can do it, instead of complaining
Nonetheless, every forest has a hornbil who must make noise

By Jerome Ogola via Facebook

Senator Malala popularity was euphoric with no reason. Everyone loved him, but no one knew why



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