KenyagistWhy we might never hear Director Rashid's side of...

Why we might never hear Director Rashid’s side of story after ex wife Nasra accused him of cheating & moving on with another woman


Remember that time when Nasra announced she had parted ways with husband, Director Rashid? It was actually way before her miscarriage and i remember that after the announcemenr, the same Nasra came out claiming it was just a silly prank they decided to pull on their fansā€¦.but come to think of it ā€“ this was smoke from a little fire theyd tried to contain, but marriage ishachomeka.

Nasra announces pregnancy

Okay at the time Nasra was still the one sharing these personal information on social media but looking at director Rashidā€¦.he just maintained his silence the whole time and even after he was accused of cheatingā€¦.Director Rashid just remains mute.

Well, when you see a man acting like Director Rashid has been acting ā€“ one has to wonderā€¦.was he really in love with her or ā€¦ā€™clearly this man is fed up with dramaā€™ hence his silence, right?

Nasra with husband, Director Rashid

Why Rashid maintance silence on divorce rumors

Avoid drama

You see unlike women who overreact and cause drama after a breakā€¦.men actually prefer sometime off especially if the breakup happens during a heated moment.

This is why you might see Rashid holding back from announcing anything on his pagesā€¦.simply because, chances are that he might not be done with Nasraā€¦.and to avoid looking like an immature man, he chooses to remain silent hence letting Nasra do the damage by oversharing.

Protect mental health

Whats better than to protect your own peace of mind? I dont thing thereā€™s anything better than choosing yourself when things get toxicā€¦and judging from how Nasra has been talkingā€¦..we can already tell why maybe Rashid isnt saying anythingā€¦.more of like kibaya chajitembeza, kizuri cha jiuzaā€¦

Moved on already

Another reaaon I believe director Rashid remians silent on the divorce rumors is because he already moved after figuring out the woman he married wasnt what he wanted. Or maybeā€¦because Islam allows a muslim man to marry upto 4 wivesā€¦.maybe his new alleged woman has been in the picture the whole time but Nasra did not want to share.

Not compatible

Do you know that you can actually get over a person youve been in love with for years, the moment you move in and start living together?

It happens because this time around the fights will be in person and not textsā€¦.then you realize hapana, I cant do this and just like that you start wondering why you even rushed into marriage.



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